Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Yep, that's me as far as my writing goes...pathetic. I haven't posted here in almost a year. And it's been the craziest year of my life. But I guess love does that to you; it makes you forget all the typical things in your life.

So in the past year I've gone from single, working adult to working stepmom and Girl Scout leader. An awesome and dramatic shift. My life in no way resembles the life I was living last year. And now nearing the end of another year, I'm excited about the plans and possibilities for 2010.

It seems like a shifting of life's priorities is a natural part of life that will happen throughout. If there's one thing that you can always count on, it's change. But are there those things that will last a lifetime? Are there priorities that will remain regardless of your stage of life? Maybe there is a time and place for each thing with very, if anything, little lasting for all time. Only time will tell.