Thursday, June 30, 2011

One journey ends, another begins

2011-05-23 003.jpgMy beautiful baby girl was born on May 15th at 6:45 in the morning. She was 2 ½ weeks early, but a perfect weight and was born with absolutely no complications. It is such a relief to have her here and even more of a relief to not be pregnant anymore. While it certainly wasn’t a terrible experience, I’m very glad to have my body back to myself. And ecstatic to be able to bend down and tie my shoes!


Six weeks of recovery time and now it’s time to start my next journey. I did not lose 60 pounds several years ago, just to let it all come back. As of today I am 155 pounds. My goal weight (I am 5’2”) is 120 pounds. Which leaves me with a weight loss target of 35 pounds. More than I had hoped to gain, but not an unmanageable number. If I can lose 1 pound each week, I will be able to reach my goal by March 2nd of next year. If I can pull off losing 2 pounds a week, I can reach my goal by Halloween. I’m really aiming for somewhere in between those two dates. I think I’ll aim to hit my target weight at Christmas. This rounds out to 7 pounds a month for the next 5 months.


While this goal is certainly possible, it’s going to be a lot harder than it was last time. The last time I lost weight I was single and I wasn’t a mom. My finances were strong enough to afford the Nutrisystem plan. Things are a bit different now. I’m going to have to rely heavily on my lunchtime workouts and focus on crafting my own diet plan rather than having the luxury of simply following directions and eating what is sent to me.


My lunchtime workout today was 30 minutes of walking at a pretty brisk pace. I’d like to get up to 4 miles an hour, but today I could only pull of 3.3mph. Of course, I had the incline working against me too. I’m sure that counts for something. Then I did 3 sets of 16 reps on the leg machine (inner and outer thigh exercises) and the same number of sets/reps for my arms (bicep curls and dumbbell rows). It felt really good to be sweaty and tired again. It really felt like maybe I accomplished a little. My diet today has been okay – I avoided the doughnut and burrito e-mails and have only eaten what I brought with me from home. My water intake definitely needs to increase. I’m only on my second glass today. Though I did drink a bottle of water in the car on the way to work. I think my biggest diet challenge is breakfast. I need to find breakfast options that will keep me satisfied for a decent amount of time without blowing my calorie and fat count for the day. The Nutrisystem breakfasts were really tasty, but I’m really not able to find anything like them other than oatmeal packets. That will be my first nutrition goal – to find a good breakfast option that will fill the belly and still stay within reasonable calorie and fat limits.  


Day 1: 155 pounds, 178 days and 35 pounds to go.

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